The GEM program enables CCAF students to complete the 15-hour General Education Course requirement online through Georgia State’s Perimeter College.
As an institution that consistently ranks as one of the best in the nation for military and veteran students, Georgia State is proud to partner with CCAF to deliver quality online teaching, personal guidance and support.
Getting Started in the GEM Program
Step 1: Log in to the Air Force Portal to view GEM schools and approved courses
- Log in to the Air Force Portal and select Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC).
- Select “GEM Program” and search for approved GEM schools.
- Find “Georgia State University” and view the list of pre-approved online courses available to you.
- Click on course titles to view course information.
Step 2: Make your decision official
- You’ve decided to make Georgia State your GEM institution, and we are delighted. Your next step is to be admitted to the university as a transient student. Click here to APPLY to Georgia State as a transient student. For the transient application, you should choose “no” under the “Are you seeking an associate or bachelor’s degree from Georgia State?” prompt. Next, choose your campus, select “Transient” as the application option and click “Yes” to the “Are you currently in college, seeking to attend Georgia State University or Perimeter College to earn credits for your home institution?” prompt. You will then be able to click “Yes” for the CCAF program.
- You will also need to provide a Transient Student Form from the Air Force.
- Print the CCAF Transient Student Form.
- Have your education services adviser/career adviser complete, sign and date the Transient Form.
- Email the completed Transient Form to [email protected], adding CAF in the subject line.
Step 3: Create your CCAF Goal, apply for and submit Tuition Assistance (TA) authorization
- The next step is to create your CCAF Goal. Access AFVEC and click on “Education Goals.” If you need help, see the instructions in the AFVEC Resources section or visit your local Base Education Office.
- Once your CCAF Goal has been created, you can apply for Air Force Tuition Assistance in the AFVEC portal. When asked for Georgia State’s OPEID, enter 001574. Keep in mind that TA Authorization can be submitted 45 days before the first day of class but must be submitted no later than seven days prior to the first day of class.
- Once your TA is approved, email a copy to the Georgia State Student Accounts office at [email protected].
Step 4: Register for classes
- Log in to PAWS with your CampusID and password. You can look up your CampusID or change your password on the CampusID webpage.
- Navigate to the Enrollment tab for access to your records. Scroll down to the Registration block and select Add/Drop/Withdraw Courses.
- Select the appropriate registration term.
- Read the agreement carefully, and select “I Agree” or “I Do Not Agree.”
- Enter the specific course(s) you have been approved to take as a CCAF/Georgia State transient student.
- Choose the course you would like to add, and click “Register.”
- Review your status to make sure the course is registered correctly.
- Select “Concise Student Schedule” under the Registration tab to review your registration schedule.
Cost of Georgia State GEM courses= $135 per credit hour
All fees are waived for reservists, National Guard and active-duty servicemembers.
List of Approved GEM Courses
Through the GEM program, you will choose one course from each of the five categories listed below to complete your CCAF associate degree in applied science. These courses are designed to help you gain practical knowledge and high-demand skills to advance your education or career path. For Georgia State course information, see our online course catalog and schedule.
SCOM 1500 – Public Speaking: The course challenges students to prepare and deliver speeches that inform and persuade. Special emphasis is placed on the fundamentals of organization, structure and content of speeches. The student will analyze great American speeches, both historical and contemporary.
3.000 credit hours
ENGL 1101 – English Composition I: This composition course is designed to increase the student’s ability to construct written prose of various kinds. Material focuses on methods of organization, analysis, research skills and the production of short argumentative and expository essays. Readings consider issues of contemporary, social and cultural concern. Passing Grade: C
3.000 credit hours
ENGL 1102 – English Composition II (Prerequisite: ENGL 1101 with a grade of C or higher): This composition course is designed to develop writing skills beyond the levels of proficiency required by English 1101. Material stresses critical reading and writing and incorporates a variety of more advanced research methods. Readings will be drawn from a variety of texts. Passing Grade: C
3.000 credit hours
MATH 1001 – Quantitative Skill & Reasoning (Prerequisites or co-requisites: Placement based on the mathematics placement policy): This course emphasizes quantitative reasoning skills needed for informed citizens to understand the world around them. Topics include logic, basic probability, data analysis and modeling from data. *Note: This course is an alternative in Area A of the core curriculum and is not intended to supply sufficient algebraic background for students who intend to take pre-calculus or the calculus sequences for mathematics and science majors.
3.000 credit hours
MATH 1070 – Elementary Statistics: The course delves into descriptive statistics, basic probability and distribution of random variables, estimation and hypothesis tests for means and proportions, regression and correlation, and analysis of count data.
3.000 credit hours
MATH 1111 – College Algebra (Prerequisite: Appropriate score on the math placement test or concurrent registration in Math 0999): This course provides an in-depth study of the properties of algebraic, exponential and logarithmic functions as needed for calculus. Emphasis is on using algebraic and graphical techniques for solving problems involving linear, quadratic, piece-wise defined, rational, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic functions.
3.000 credit hours
ANTH 1102 – Introduction to Anthropology: This course is an introduction to the discipline of anthropology through a survey of the five subfields: cultural, biological, archaeological, linguistics and applied anthropology. The course will use a holistic and comparative approach to study the human condition with an emphasis on human cultural, behavioral and biological variation across place and time.
3.000 credit hours
GEOG 1101 – Introduction to Human Geography: This course explores global patterns of population dynamics, economic systems, cultural groups, geopolitics, urbanization and resource distribution, and provides a conceptual framework for understanding the complexities and unevenness of these patterns.
3.000 credit hours
HIST 2110 – Survey of United States History: The course is a thematic survey of U.S. history to the present.
3.000 credit hours
POLS 1101 – Introduction to American Government: The course is a survey of the American system of government. Some attention is given to state government, including the state of Georgia, covering the institutions and ideals basic to the American experience and the process by which the public participates in and is governed by these institutions and ideals.
3.000 credit hours
POLS 2401 – Global Issues: The course is an introduction to global affairs focusing on contemporary issues in world politics such as conflict and cooperation, business and trade, population, environment and human rights.
3.000 credit hours
PSYC 1101 – Introduction to General Psychology: The course is a broad survey of the major topics in psychology, including but not limited to research methodology, biological and social factors influencing abnormal behavior, development, learning, memory and personality.
3.000 credit hours
SOCI 1101 – Introduction to Sociology: The course is a survey of the discipline of sociology. Topics include sociological theory, methods and selected substantive areas.
3.000 credit hours
AH 1700 – Western Art from Antiquity to the Middle Ages: The course is a survey of art of the Western world from prehistory through the Middle Ages.
3.000 credit hours
ART 1301 – Art, Society, and Culture: The course is a survey of world art from prehistory to the present. It explores the relationship of art and artist to past cultures as well as the relevance of the visual arts in our time.
3.000 credit hours
FLME 2700 – History of the Motion Pictures: The course is an historical and critical survey of the evolution of motion pictures as an art form and as a distinctive medium of communication. It includes lectures, screenings and discussions.
3.000 credit hours
HUMN 1000 – Introduction to the Humanities: The course is an introduction to humanistic inquiry and expression and its pivotal role in understanding human cultures. Students explore the contributions of a variety of humanistic disciplines and the methods of human expression they study. Material includes works of central importance from diverse cultural traditions.
3.000 credit hours
MUA 1500 – Jazz: Its Origins, Styles, and Influence: The course studies the development of jazz from its origins to current trends, including stylistic periods such as New Orleans, swing, bop, cool, avant-garde and fusion. It includes an emphasis on evolution of form, improvisational style and influential artists.
3.000 Credit hours
MUA 1930 – Music, Society, and Culture: The course explores the role of music, including its basic elements, forms, styles and media in critical compositions from composers representative of each major period. It includes interactive lectures, performance demonstrations, concerts, listening and participation. No prior musical experience is required.
3.000 credit hours
PHIL 2010 – Introduction to Philosophy: The course explores various philosophers’ answers to questions like: Does God exist? How should I live my life? What is justice? What is human nature? Do we have free will? What is the meaning of life?
3.000 credit hours
PHIL 2030 – Introduction to Ethics: The course explores questions such as: Are there universal moral truths or is morality relative? What makes actions right or wrong, people good or bad, societies just or unjust? Students will discuss ethical theories that address these questions and will debate moral issues such as abortion, genetic engineering, animal rights, feminism and social justice.
3.000 credit hours
RELS 2001 – Introduction to World Religions: The course is an introduction to the academic study of the world’s major religious traditions, including their beliefs, practices, sacred texts and moral codes. Religions to be examined may include Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Native American traditions and African religions.
3.000 credit hours
THEA 2040 – Introduction to the Theatre: The course includes lectures, videos and live theater events that introduce the non-theatre major to the basic elements of theatrical production, dramatic writing and the historical context of the art. Studio and/or shop work is required.
3.000 credit hours
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