Georgia State Veteran Resources
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Campus and Community Resources
Office of Disability Services: Offers a variety of resources to students, faculty and staff to support the educational and career goals of students with disabilities. Promotes an inclusive Georgia State Panther experience by encouraging students with disabilities to use the multitude of academic, career and social opportunities to learn, live, work and play on campus.
Counseling and Testing Center: Counseling services include individual, couples and group counseling in addition to consultations with the Mind-Body Clinic and Performance Enhancement Center. Testing services include but are not limited to online testing, independent learning, placement testing, national and university standardized tests, professional development certifications, and test scoring and scanning for university faculty.
Georgia State University Army ROTC: Provides Georgia State students with the tools, training and experiences they need to become officers in the United States Army.
Office of Study Abroad Programs: Helps students in their journey to become global citizens. The international experience of many veterans is valuable; however, by taking part in an international academic experience, students will gain dynamic skills that are vital in today’s global environment, while at the same time leading the way towards helping Georgia State achieve one of its strategic initiatives, that of internationalizing our campuses. Study Abroad Advisors at both the Atlanta Campus and Perimeter Campuses assist prospective study abroad students by working with them from their initial expression of interest, guiding them through academic advisement, and following up with them after they return. Study abroad programs range from our short-term, faculty-led programs of 2-3 weeks, up to 8-week and/or semester-long programs. For questions contact: Atlanta Campus – [email protected] or Perimeter Campuses – [email protected].
Veterans Upward Bound Program: VUB is designed to motivate and assist veterans in the development of academic and other requisite skills necessary for acceptance and success in college. The program provides assessment and enhancement of basic skills through counseling, mentoring, tutoring and academic instruction in the core subject areas.
The Office of Educational Opportunity and TRIO Programs: Provides outreach and access through a wide range of services designed to facilitate the continuance and expansion of educational opportunities to individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, i.e., low-income individuals, first-generation college students and individuals with disabilities facing unique challenges to progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to post baccalaureate programs. Provides outreach and access through a wide range of services designed to facilitate the continuance and expansion of educational opportunities to individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, i.e., low-income individuals, first-generation college students and individuals with disabilities facing unique challenges to progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to post baccalaureate programs.
Law Volunteer Clinic for Veterans: Provides free legal services to veterans on the Georgia State/Atlanta and Perimeter College/Clarkston campuses.
Enrollment Services Center: Provides assistance with any enrollment or registration issues. Phone support is available at 404-413-2900.
Office of Financial Aid: Committed to helping you and your family determine the best way to pay for your education and help find the best solution for your specific needs. Phone support is available at 404-413-2600.
Office of Undergraduate Admissions: Explore Georgia State’s associate degree and bachelor’s degree programs, apply and check your admissions status. Phone support is available at 404-413-2500.
Graduate Admissions: Explore and apply for Georgia State’s graduate-level programs.
State and Local Resources
American Legion: Patriotic veteran organization devoted to mutual helpfulness, youth mentorship, sponsorship of wholesome programs in local communities, advocacy for patriotism and honor, promotion of strong national security, and continued commitment to fellow servicemembers and veterans. It’s open to all honorably discharged veterans and currently serving military.
Disabled American Veterans: Ensures that veterans and their families can access the full range of benefits available to them, educates the public about the sacrifices and needs of veterans transitioning back to civilian life, and connects veterans with employment via job fairs and job searches.
Military-Civilian Occupation Translator: Converts military jobs/specialties to their civilian counterparts for the purpose of career exploration and job searches.
Military Spouse Job Search: Provides military spouses with employment resources, education and training help, and relocation information.
State Workforce Centers: Assists with job searches and offers job search workshops, free computer access and more.
Veterans Benefits Booklet: The latest version of the Federal Benefits for veterans, dependents and survivors.
The Warrior Alliance: Connects Veterans with Veteran Service Organizations, government agencies, businesses, educators and other community resources committed to helping veterans thrive. Whether searching for a volunteer opportunity, a job or even a support group, they assist Veterans in navigating through their transition decisions. All services are FREE.
Georgia Veterans Benefits Booklet: The latest version of the Georgia Benefits for veterans, dependents and survivors.
Veterans of Foreign Wars: Fosters camaraderie among veterans of overseas conflicts and serves veterans, the military and our communities while advocating on behalf of all veterans. It’s open to all general or honorably discharged veterans, those still serving and those who have served in a war, campaign or expedition on foreign soil or in hostile waters.
Federal Resources
Military OneSource: Empowers and informs the military community by providing the latest policies, procedures, timely articles, cutting-edge social media tools and support.
VA Education Resources: Provides comprehensive information on all VA benefits, eligibility criteria, and the processes for applying for and utilizing education benefits.
W.A.V.E. (Web Automated Verification of Enrollment): Online site for verifying monthly school attendance if using MGIB-Active Duty (Chapter 30), MGIB Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606) or Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP, Chapter 1607).
Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Program: Provides information on services to help with job training, employment accommodations, resume development, job-seeking skills and coaching, and more.
Veterans Affairs eBenefits: Provides full online access to all veterans benefits, including healthcare, education, disability compensation, pensions and more.
Troops to Teachers: U.S. Department of Defense program that helps eligible military personnel begin new careers as teachers in public schools, where their skills, knowledge and experience are most needed.
Basic Allowance for Housing Calculator: Provides current BAH rates based upon location and military rank.
Application for Individualized Tutorial Assistance [PDF]: Online form for tutoring assistance for veterans eligible under their current VA educational benefits.
Scholarship Opportunities
Georgia State University Scholarships Search: Provides information about applying for scholarships, grants and other financial aid as a student on Georgia State’s Atlanta Campus. Scroll over “Scholarships and Grants” and click on the “Scholarships” icon to see a complete list of available scholarships.
Perimeter College Scholarships Search: Provides information about applying for scholarships, grants and other financial aid as a student on any of Georgia State’s Perimeter College campuses. Select “Determine the scholarships for which you meet all of the eligibility requirements” and then scroll down to select “Military Scholarship Listings.”
The Best Scholarship Search Platforms of 2018: Provides insight and guidance about researching, selecting and applying for scholarships.
Healthcare and Related Resources
Atlanta VA Medical Center: Provides a comprehensive list of all services available through the Atlanta VA Medical Center.
The Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP): Supports wounded veterans and servicemembers by working closely with medical providers, therapists, case managers and military liaisons at military treatment facilities to increase awareness and availability of assistive technology. Equips veterans and servicemembers with assistive technology devices, accommodations and training to help those who have cognitive difficulties or are visually impaired, hard of hearing or impaired in terms of dexterity recover and transition to employment.
Department of Veterans Affairs: Provides comprehensive access to all benefits available through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of American: Dedicated to troops, veterans and civilian supporters of Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Provides valuable resources and empowers veterans to connect with one another, fostering a strong and lasting network through education, advocacy and community building.
National Resource Directory: Provides returning veterans with recovery and reintegration resources. Connects wounded, ill and injured servicemembers, veterans, their families, and caregivers with support networks.
Veteran Centers: Provides free readjustment counseling and a wide range of psychosocial services to eligible veterans, servicemembers transitioning from military to civilian life.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Provides assistance, resources and referrals to veterans and servicemembers in crisis. For immediate assistance, call (800) 273-8255 and press 1 (the prompt for veterans).
Veterans Recovery Therapies: Provides alternative and cutting-edge therapy options for veterans suffering from drug or alcohol abuse or addiction.
The Wounded Warrior Project: Provides unique, direct programs and services for injured veterans and servicemembers. Raises awareness and enlists the public in assisting with meeting their needs.
Quit-Smoking Community: Provide veterans with a guide to overcoming tobacco addiction.
Substance Abuse – Addiction Resource: Provides information and resources for veterans struggling with substance abuse. individuals learn about addiction, recognize signs of a problem, and find local support and treatment. Visitors of the site can hear stories from peers who have overcome substance abuse. Web resource that provides researched, fact-based resources for free. Readers can learn about risks of various substances, the latest approaches to treatment, and real stories of recovery.
Drugs on Campus: College years are meant to be an unforgettable time — a time to not only build a professional foundation for success, but to make lifelong friends, find your passions and grow intellectually. Don’t let drugs ruin that!