Georgia State enrolls 3,500+ military-connected students — more than any other state school.
Military Scholarships
At Georgia State, veterans, spouses and their children have access to a number of scholarships and financial aid opportunities.
Alumni Association Scholarship for U.S. Military Veterans
This scholarship is for U.S. Military Veterans who are enrolled at Georgia State and in good academic standing. Students must have demonstrated unmet financial need and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.75.
Application Opens: Dec. 14, 2018
Application Deadline: Feb. 15, 2019
Contact: Dave Cohen, [email protected]
State Farm Scholarship for Veterans
This scholarship is for veterans who are enrolled at Georgia State and in good academic standing. Recipients must provide proof of military service, a record of community involvement and financial need as determined by the university’s Office of Financial Aid. All selection criteria being otherwise equal, preference will be given to students enrolled in the J. Mack Robinson College of Business.
Application Opens: Dec. 14, 2018
Application Deadline: Feb. 15, 2019
Contact: Dave Cohen, [email protected]
Scholarships for Military-Connected Children Who Have Lost a Parent
The Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation (Fallen Patriots) provides college scholarships and educational counseling to military-connected children who have lost a parent in the line of duty or due to service connection. We aim to bridge the funding gap between the VA and other grants and the total cost of an undergraduate college education.
Financial assistance includes, but is not limited to, ACT/SAT prep and fees, college application fees, tuition, summer courses, study abroad programs, books, living expenses, computers and student loans. Public and private institutions, colleges, universities and vocational schools are all covered under our program.
We serve the children (including stepchildren, foster children and adopted children) of servicemembers who have died of causes such as combat, training, illness and suicide. We serve all components and branches of military service and all eras of service (including pre-9/11 and post-9/11). With no maximum or minimum age limit for enrollment, we encourage families to enroll their children as early as possible so we can maintain contact over the years. A minimum 2.0 GPA (for the previous enrollment term) is required to maintain eligibility for scholarship assistance.
For additional information, contact the enrollment coordinator at
[email protected] or 866-917-2373.
Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association
The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) is a professional association chartered in Washington, D.C., as an educationally oriented nonprofit technical society. The Atlanta Chapter of AFCEA will award a $1,500 merit-based scholarship to one full-time undergraduate student enrolled in an accredited, degree-granting four-year college or university in the metro Atlanta or north Georgia area. Candidates must be enrolled at the time they apply.
- The candidate must be a U.S. citizen working toward a bachelor’s degree in the areas of science, mathematics, engineering or information technology with a minimum GPA of 2.8 (on a 4.0 scale).
- The candidate must be enrolled as an undergraduate and have completed a minimum of one year of studies at a metro Atlanta or north Georgia area college or university.
The deadline for submission is Nov. 30, 2018. Awards will be announced no later than Dec. 31, 2018.
Loan Opportunities
Georgia National Guard Service-Cancelable Loan
Established as an incentive for qualified men and women to join the Georgia National Guard, the loan helps the GNG retain skilled, productive citizens within the state. It is a student financial aid program that provides loans to help cover the cost of tuition in an undergraduate program.
Wells Fargo Veterans Emergency Grant Program
Emergency grants are available to eligible veterans who are enrolled in full-time postsecondary education programs and experience unexpected financial difficulties that might force them to drop out. Grants are available for a one-time distribution with a suggested maximum of up to $750 but not to exceed $1,000 — each of which is based on the cost of the emergency need.
Zero-Percent-Interest Student Loan Benefit for Military Service
Federal law exempts members of the military who are serving or have served in an area that qualifies them to receive hostile fire or imminent danger pay from paying interest on certain student loans for as many as 60 months. Servicemembers and veterans can also apply retroactively based on previous qualifying military service. This benefit applies to direct loans or a portion of a direct consolidation loan made on or after Oct. 1, 2008.
Taking advantage of this student loan benefit is simple and straightforward. Eligible reservists, National Guard and active-duty servicemembers, and veterans can take these actions to avoid accruing student loan interest:
- Check the loan type and servicer by logging in to “My Federal Student Aid” at studentaid.gov/login.
- Contact the loan servicer to find out how to provide any of the following forms of proof:
- A leave and earnings statement showing receipt of hostile fire or imminent danger pay
- A certifying official’s statement and signature
- Military orders showing service in a hostile area
For more information about the zero-percent-interest student loan benefit, visit, review or follow:
- studentaid.gov
- The “What You Need To Know About Your Federal Student Loan Benefits” brochure (for Members of the U.S. Armed Forces)
- The Department of Defense Office of Financial Readiness’ accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Connect with a Military Advocate
Alpharetta Campus
AA-1490 | 770-274-5742 | [email protected]
Atlanta Campus
217 Dahlberg Hall | 404-413-2331 | [email protected]
Clarkston Campus
CH-1300 | 678-891-3025 | [email protected]
Decatur Campus
SA-1300 | 678-891-2315 |
Dunwoody Campus
NA-2021 | 770-274-5038 | [email protected]
Newton Campus
1N-1400 | 678-891-2496 | [email protected]